Wednesday, May 16, 2012

9 Best DIY Gifts for Your Teachers that they will LOVE!

 and now it's gone. 

So for Teacher Appreciation Week (Last Week) I though a good thing to know would be how to make great gifts for your teacher all by yourself and cheaply. We all have at least five teachers and to buy each of them expensive and bought gifts can get pretty costly if you're not willing to spend a pretty penny so I discovered some GREAT gift ideas that will make your teacher smile and love you even more than they do already!

Handprint Quilt
This gift is especially good for Elementary School teachers who have a specific class.
Try to get the class together without the teacher knowing (probably the biggest challenge), get a cheap 
quilt and use some paint from the school and walla! A gift your teacher will always cherish and 
it barely costs anything! 

Monogrammed Mugs
These are good if you have more than three or four teachers. All you need is a sharpie, good penmanship, and as many plain white mugs as you have teachers. Write the letter to their first name and 
scribble it in. 

Teacher Goodie Basket
You can buy all these goodies in bulk which saves money and makes it so you can give
you teacher a variety of useful things they can use 
to teach you or your child! 

Homemade Bath Salts 
Good for female teachers, your educators will need this after a day of
hard work at the school. To make you'll need
For the scrubbie:
Small piece of Cotton (enough for back of scrubbie and two pieces for strap)
Piece of towel – cut out 1 piece double the width of the scrubbie back piece
Piece of lace – cut length of strap
For the Bath Salts:
1/2 cup cornstarch
1 cup dry milk
1/2 cup oatmeal
2 teaspoons green tea with mango leaves
2 teaspoons peach tea leaves
(If you don’t have loose tea, I found 3 tea bags is about 2 teaspoons. Or close enough anyway. :)

Fabric Covered Notebooks
Buy a couple simple notebooks and decorate them! Especially good if you have younger kids
and they can help you. It will be a personalized gift your teacher will
always remember you by.

Smarties and Sharpies
"Fill a jar with smarties and attach a sharpie pen on the top with a note that reads, “Thank you for helping us becomes “sharpies” and “smarties” this year”!  There are also some other fun gift ideas on this post."

Post-It Note Holder
Grap some post it notes from the nearest supplies store and get a couple peices
of hard paper, scissors, ribbon, and a hole puncher! Thats it. 

An Apple with a Gift Card
So if you're so committed to getting your teachers the gift cards you've gotten them
for gosh knows how many years, you can jazz it up by cutting out several green paper 
leaves and string them on to an apple with the gift card stuck to the bottom. HOW CUTE! ;)

Apple Core Spool Card
Use a wooden spool and stock card to create this cute and individual gift you're teacher 
can't help but love!

Pictures and ideas taken from

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