Ever heard or sewing a card? No, well it's pretty great! I found this amazing DIY on http://blog.fossil.com...Wanna see what it looks like?
How cool is that?!
Alrighty so the materials are pretty simple:
Cardstock (or any thick paper you want to put your design on)
Graph Paper
Embroidery Thread and Needle
Step 1: On a sheet of graph paper make an outline of what you want to stitch onto your card. Pretty simple, make sure that
its the size of your card otherwise that could
turn into a sticky situation :O
Step two: Now that you've drawn your BEAUTIFUL design, cut your graph paper to the size of the outline, or the size of the
card, whichever comes first!
Make sure the good side of your paper is face-up so you don’t end up with a mirrored image!
Step number tres (3) : Line up your paper with your card and tape it down. Then using the needle poke
a lotta lotta lotta holes, maybe one ever milimeter, along the lines of your design. Your
card should have holes that look something like this!
Step four: Remove your design and inspect your holes, fill in any that look like there aren't enough
Keep your picture for reference on what you want it to look like
Start embroidering!
Step five five five five five (I wrote that five times, ya get it :P)
Explore different techniques, add some fun filler designs, get super duper creative!!
You can tape the ends and beginnings of the threads on the back
Just makes it easier!
Once you finish your design, write a cute little message to the person who's getting this MAGNIFICENT card (:
Your finished! Now, to hide all the thread, tape a blank index card to the back of the design and BOOM, your finished
You should be so proud, you finished a beautiful card that any
one you give it to is sure to love!